Today we celebrate the International Day of the Girl.

Did you know:

According to the United Nations, 12 million girls will be married before the age of 18, and 21 million will be pregnant as teens in developing countries. Millions of other young girls will be denied access to education, technology, healthcare, and basic fairness and rights in day-to-day life. These issues, among others, stand at the forefront of what International Day of the Girl was designed to bring attention to with the belief that awareness, advocacy, and action can create change.

Although there are still significant strides to be made to improve the livelihood and rights of girls, movements like International Day of the Girl make a significant difference, and there are numerous ways Soroptimists can get involved to help empower girls everywhere. This year’s theme for the special day is “My Voice, Our Equal Future.” Let’s seize the opportunity to be inspired by what adolescent girls see as the change they want and the solutions they are leading and demanding across the globe.

Read the full article HERE


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